Monday 23 November 2015

How to finish neck opening

I found somewhere on internet questions on how to finish neck opening on crepe satin dress...

I was actually making one for myself and decided to take step by step pictures along my work.
I hope it will be usefull to someone who struggles with finishing neck opening... And same technique is good for other fabrics too.

First of all I cut the front and back neck facing and very fine iron-on interfacing repeating the actual neck openinghy about 4cm wide.

I layed pieces on iterfacing close to each other in order to save interfacing, I did not notice much difference what way you lay pieces on interfacing as after ironing you will not notice anything
Just remember for soft fabrics interfacing should be even softer and finer

 Iron on the interfacing

 I have 2pics for back facing, sew them together face to face
 I use pins to keep pieces in place...
 ... and take the pins out when sewing. I used to keep pins in and sew through them but sometimes needle hits the pin and breaks so I pull pin out just before needle sew through

 Checking the facing
 pin front and back facing together good sides in

 pin facing to the neck
 Leave the sides open

 sew fron and back facing to the neck good sides in

 this is how it should look facing attached to the neck
 pin slids together and sew

 open the seam and iron
 finish attaching the facing to the neck

 trim the edge

 slid the corner
 slid the round area few times for better adjustment
 turn the facing back and iron. Hand sew the edge of the facing to the bad side of the dress and iron again
 finished dress