Tuesday 26 November 2013

How to make simple Christmas Gift - "Gold fish" make up bag

How to make a pefect Xmas gift without spending a fortune?

We all have a pair of jeans we are not wearing anymore and this could be a pefect material for your bag or purse.

Using the pattern cut the pieces out of your chosen material. You will also need lining for the face piece to cover back side of embroidery. It could be any light fabric. 1 zipper

In the middle of the face piece draw your gold fish contours and start embroidering.

When embroidery done cover back side of ebroidered piece with the lining material and assemble the purse. For better look use bias tape to cover seams. 

You can also use piping for better shape, but it is not esential as you purse will not be empty anyway.

Here is a final look of Gold fish purse.

This is just an idea of handmade gift. If Gold fish is not your favourite use roses or peonies or any other flowers to decorate your bag, or cushion case (great for beginners).
For detailed instructions CLICK HERE